T/C Cost Schedule

Effective October 31, 2022, the following was adopted as the Schedule of Court Costs in criminal and non-waiverable traffic cases:
Cost Schedule
Misdemeanors | Felonies | |
Court Costs | $166.00 | $166.00 |
State Costs | $29.00 | $39.00 |
Total | $195.00 | $205.00 |
Additional Court Costs | Misdemeanors |
Active Probation; General-Minor (Under 3 months) | 75.00 |
Active Probation; General-Major (Over 3 months) | 125.00 |
Active Probation; Domestic Violence,Stalking or TPO Related | 125.00 |
ALS Appeal | 75.00 |
A D R Fee (Charged to TRC & FOP Cases) | 25.00 |
Amending a Charge (per charge) | 35.00 |
Application for Consent to Waive | 20.00 |
Arrest Pick Up (Service Fee) | 50.00 |
Bond Forfeiture Hearing | 20.00 |
Bond Reduction Hearing | 20.00 |
Bond Posting | 10.00 |
Bureau of Motor Vehicles Suspension Appeals: (12 Point / FRA / BMV Pay Plan / Drug Offense / Out of State OVI) | 100.00 |
Capias or Bench Warrant Issued | 100.00 |
Certified Copy of Current Case Docket | 10.00 |
Certified Copy of Journal Entry | 5.00 |
Community Service For Non-Indigent | 25.00 |
Contempt of Court Hearing | 25.00 |
Motion to Continue | 20.00 |
Cuyahoga County Regional Information System (CRIS Fee) Charged per moving violation, traffic cases only. Does not apply to Seat Belt violations for driver or passenger | 5.00 |
Dismissal of Jury After 4:00 P.M. Prior to Trial | 100.00 |
Sealing of Record of Conviction | 50.00 |
Sealing of Record (Non-Conviction) | 50.00 |
First Offender's Program | 175.00 |
First Offender's Removal | 50.00 |
Housing Probation | 50.00 |
Jury Fee (per day per person) | 25.00 |
License Forfeiture | 75.00 |
Motions/Requests (Miscellaneous) Unless otherwise specified | 20.00 |
Motion for Occupational Driving Privileges | 35.00 |
Notice of Appeal - (Plus a Check for $175.00 payable to Clerk of Court, Common Pleas, Cuyahoga County ) | 50.00 |
Parking Citation Transferred to Traffic Docket | 61.00 |
Payment Plan | 25.00 |
Photocopies (charge per page, no outside copies) | 0.05 |
Presentence Investigation - Referral | 75.00 |
Processing Checks/Charges Returned as Uncollectable/NSF/Reversed | 30.00 |
Recording of Proceedings | 25.00 |
Registration Block Processing | 25.00 |
Release of Immobilization/Forfeiture of Vehicle | 25.00 |
Request for Court Appointed Attorney / Public Defender | 25.00 |
Service by Bailiff - For 3 attempts, per person | 30.00 |
Summons Issued | 25.00 |
Suspension Termination | 50.00 |
Vehicle Registration Block | 25.00 |
Witness Fee per Half Day | 6.00 |
Witness Subpoena Issuance | 10.00 |
Department Phone Numbers
General Information: (216) 491-1300
Payment of Fines & Costs
Payment of your criminal/traffic violation can be made by cash, personal check, money order, and credit card, (MasterCard, and Visa only). All payments must be in U.S. Dollars. Please make checks payable to: SHAKER HEIGHTS MUNICIPAL COURT.
To link to the Waiver Cost Schedule click here.
For questions on the above schedule, please call the court at (216) 491-1300.
Collection Agency Information
If a warrant is issued on your case for failure to pay, your case will be sent to collections. Once this process takes place, all communications about paying the case off will be handled by the collection agency. The collection agency information is:
Capitol Recovery Systems, Inc.
750 Cross Pointe Rd. Suite S
Columbus, Ohio 43230
Toll Free: (800) 693-6835
Fax: (614) 575-0794