Probation Frequently Asked Questions

What is probation? How long will I be placed on probation?
Probation is supervision after your case has been completed. The length of probation is determined by the judge at the time of sentencing.
What is the difference between Active and Inactive probation?
Active probation means that you must report to your probation officer. Generally, you will report once per month. Inactive probation means that you need not report to your probation officer during the balance of your probation.
Who is my probation officer?
Your probation officer will be assigned by the judge at the time of sentencing. At the Shaker Heights Municipal Court, probation officers are assigned based on the type of offense(s) committed.
How does home arrest work?
The defendant is under the supervision of Shaker Heights Court, but remains in his/her own home instead of being incarcerated. The defendant wears an electronic monitoring device to ensure compliance. The defendant pays for the cost of the monitoring device.
How does the ignition interlock work? How much does it cost?
The driver must periodically blow into the interlock machine, which is installed in his/her vehicle. If alcohol is detected on the driver’s breath, the interlock machine will shut the car off. The defendant must pay the installation and daily fees. If the interlock system is ordered, the defendant will receive specific information about it when arranging his/her driving privileges with the probation officer.
If my license has been suspended by the BMV or this Court as a result of on OVI charge or conviction, how can I obtain driving privileges?
You must file a written motion for limited driving privileges. The cost to file this motion is $35.00. The Judge reviews and rules on your request.
May I perform community service in lieu of paying my fines and court costs?
The judge may grant the defendant the opportunity to perform community service in lieu of paying fines and costs. A $100.00 credit toward the amount due will be granted for each full day worked. The probation department schedules community service.
Are appointments for the Probation Department available on Saturday or Sunday?
No. The Probation Department is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Do you have a “First Offender’s Program?”
Yes. However, the privilege of being placed on the First Offender’s Program is at the discretion of the Judge.
How many points are on my driving record?
The number of points accumulated on a person’s driving record can be found by contacting the Bureau of Motor Vehicles. A link to the Ohio Department of Public Safety is on the "LINKS" page.