General Frequently Asked Questions

What is the fax number for the court?
The fax number for Shaker Heights Municipal Court is (216) 491-1314.
How do I contact the court?
You may contact the court by dialing (216) 491-1300.
Direct all correspondence to:
Shaker Heights Municipal Court
3355 Lee Rd.
Shaker Heights, Ohio 44120
Are marriage ceremonies performed at Shaker Heights Municipal Court?
Marriage ceremonies are performed by appointment. For further information contact Kristina Slunski at (216) 491-1326.
Directions to the Court
Shaker Heights Municipal Court is located at the corner of Van Aken Blvd. and Lee Rd. in Shaker Heights, Ohio. The address is 3355 Lee Rd. The Court is in the same building as the Shaker Heights Police Department. Shaker Heights City Hall is directly across the street The closest freeway access to the Court is I-271. Exit I-271 at the Chagrin Blvd (State Route 422) exit in the City of Beachwood. Go WEST on Chagrin Blvd to Lee Rd. Turn NORTH on Lee Rd. The Court is about one quarter mile from the intersection of Chagrin Blvd. and Lee Rd. The building is on the east side of the street. Public parking is in the north parking lot Please do not fax proof of insurance to the court. Proof of insurance must be shown at the time you received your citation, at the time you plead to a traffic offense, or to the BMV.